Monday 27 September 2010


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

-Albert Einstein

My Name

Dear Miss.
My name is Kalamullah Ibrahim.
I would like to be called Kay Ibrahim.
My name is not "Kay Kamara".
Sorry for the inconvenience

Sunday 26 September 2010

Close analysis of a Media Text( Britney Image 3)

This image has been chosen to show the emotion and feeling Britney Spears gained after she went through struggle,upset, and a chaotic point in her life, due to the anchorange text which enforces this point of mine. The reason why me may read the image to be struggle and upset may be due to the fact that the anchorage text read"Britney Spears INSIDE AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY"which suggests to us that Brintney Spears may be upset to an extent, and her emotions enforce the anchorage text also. This image has been chosen to withdraw emotion from the readers. This main focus of this image was to make the reader empathize with Britney Spears and the situations that she had been through. The use of black and white is significant because it focuses more on the expressions on Britney’s face, rather than a color one would, its almost as if the black and white image captured the soul of Britney. It actually helps us read her emotions, which are that she has been through trouble and turmoil, and she is still not truly happy. Her eyes show upset and struggle.

The image has been cropped to show only a particular section of her head, this image is evidently a headshot. This is done to show that her emotions are powerful and the seductive side to her has disappeared.

The relationship Britney seems to want with the audience is a friendly one. One, which with they can emphasize with her situation and understand the ordeals she’s been through. The anchorage text defeats the purpose, because It incorporates a bright color into the font.

Close analysis of a Media Text( Britney Image 2)

Within this image we see Britney Spears an older version of Britney Spears after her career became a success story. The photographer uses a medium long shot to emphasize her attractiveness, it is also done to show that Britney Spears has progressed from that little girl that started revealing little of herself, into a woman who is showing the magazine more, which may also mean she has more to show the world. The obvious denotation we depict from this image is Spears pressed up against the wall looking seductive. The cropping of the frame is done to tease the reader, sort of saying that if they read more or buy the magazine they will get something worthwhile.

The costume that Britney is wearing has dramatically decreased from the previous image, also giving us many subliminal messages. The denotation I make from this image is that Britney Spears is naked apart from her lingerie underwear. We also see that her cleavage is pressed against the wall, to add a sense of sex appeal, she is also pressing her breasts against a sheet of some sort. The connotations we can make from this image is that Britney Spears has evolved from a teenager and is no longer a child, but and adult so she shows the world more of her, in this case her being nude. It seems that she is portraying herself as older physically and mentally. This image will be appealing to males due to the sex appeal and minimal clothing, and for that attention she receives from males; she will also receive attention from females wanting to attain the same attention she receives. When the photographer uses a side shot its almost as she’s saying that Britney is closing the doors on something. The costume suggests that Britney is open to much stuff, and is opening up more than she did from the beginning of her career. The relationship Britney wants’ with the reader is a sexual and seductive one

The setting used seems to be a bedroom. The thing that this indicates to us is that Britney has invited us to her bedroom, which could be a metaphor for her mind, and she wants us to continue following her and her career, so she uses something that seems like a kiss and tell technique.

The lighting used is bright light to highlight the innocence of Britney spears, yet also highlight the importance of Britney spears career.

The colours used within this image are white to highlight maybe how pure Britney has stayed within the industry. And that she may be our generations Eve, showing that her beauty is skin deep and more.

Close analysis of a Media Text( Britney Image 1)

Within this image we see Britney Spears aged 17. The photographer uses a medium long shot to emphasize her attractiveness, whilst not giving us the full shot hence showing us that there is more to Britney Spears that meets the eye thus meaning that there may be more of Britney Spears to come. Another connotation we could make from this medium long shot, is that there is a dark part of Britney, or a secretive part that we do not know of. The obvious denotation we could make from this image is Spears lying down whilst looking seductive. The cropping of the frame is done to add a sense of mystery to the image, as well as Britney Spears as a whole. Also an additional shot that is used within this image is an aerial shot which may be done to highlight that Britney Spears is starting in the industry, but is still an rookie so she is steadily making her way to the top although she hasn’t made it as of yet.

The costume that Britney Spears has is very glamorous whilst wearing minimal clothing. This image contains many subliminal messages. The denotation we could make from this image is that Britney spears half dressed with feminine boxers, and her cleavage central of the image. She is also holding a telephone to her ear whilst holding a child’s toy in her other arm. The connotation’s we could make from this image is that there are many subliminal messages, its actually showing that she is not just a teenager, she is much more. It seems to be saying that she is older mentally and physically although her age is young. This image is appealing not only to males, but also female’s as well. This image depicts Britney Spears as an iconic figure, and whilst the photographer uses an aerial shot it’s almost as if the audience seem to be on top of Britney spears in a sexual way. The thing her costume suggests about her image is that Britney is not as innocent as the media perceives.

The main props that are used within this image are the telephone and a child’s toy. The use of the child’s toy is actually intertextuality to show how she is still sort of innocent. The connotation we could make from this is that it’s a subliminal message trying to show us that Britney is still innocent, and another one is that Britney is struggling with her transition from a teenager into an adult. And it also shows that a mixture of her childhood, teenage hood and adulthood have come into one battleground and are having a survival of the fittest to see which one takes over. The message the props convey to the audience is that Britney Spears is still innocent, which may lead to other men thinking they can take advantage of her.

The setting used in this image seems to be what can only be describes as her l luxurious bed. The thing that this may indicate to us is that she is seducing the audience and inviting them into her bedroom, which could be a metaphor for the magazine. The rolling stones magazine is using the setting and the image to catch the reader’s attention and inviting them into buying and reading the magazine.

The intertextual references being “The Teletubbies”. She has the character Tinky Winky in her arm. Which is showing her innocence, and highlighting her progression from a youth into an adult.

The colours used within this image are various shades of pink and purple, this is done to show that she is still a kid and to show us her feminine side very much prevails over everything. This is also done as a seducing technique, almost as if she’s inviting the readers to sleep with her. These colours are attractive colours, and are used because they want to attract the reader’s eyes as they are passing by.


Hey hello I am Kay Ibrahim aka Kalamullah Ibrahim this is my media blog for my foundation portfolio. Within this year I am to create a magazine, and note down my journey through this blog. Follow my journey and enjoy :)