Sunday 26 September 2010

Close analysis of a Media Text( Britney Image 3)

This image has been chosen to show the emotion and feeling Britney Spears gained after she went through struggle,upset, and a chaotic point in her life, due to the anchorange text which enforces this point of mine. The reason why me may read the image to be struggle and upset may be due to the fact that the anchorage text read"Britney Spears INSIDE AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY"which suggests to us that Brintney Spears may be upset to an extent, and her emotions enforce the anchorage text also. This image has been chosen to withdraw emotion from the readers. This main focus of this image was to make the reader empathize with Britney Spears and the situations that she had been through. The use of black and white is significant because it focuses more on the expressions on Britney’s face, rather than a color one would, its almost as if the black and white image captured the soul of Britney. It actually helps us read her emotions, which are that she has been through trouble and turmoil, and she is still not truly happy. Her eyes show upset and struggle.

The image has been cropped to show only a particular section of her head, this image is evidently a headshot. This is done to show that her emotions are powerful and the seductive side to her has disappeared.

The relationship Britney seems to want with the audience is a friendly one. One, which with they can emphasize with her situation and understand the ordeals she’s been through. The anchorage text defeats the purpose, because It incorporates a bright color into the font.

1 comment:

  1. I would dispute the idea that Britney has been going through a 'midlife' crisis-she Do we read the image 'upset and struggle' due to the anchorage text? How does the anchorage text defeat the purpose? I am not sure about this. Please make more effort to substantiate your assertions (back up what you say).
