Sunday 10 October 2010

Analysing a magazine cover 2

"Vibe" is a music magazine, Vibe stands for bouncy. Vibe is based on interviews with popular artists and in-depth stories. The targeted audience are males ages 16-24, and they usually feature artists which are urban based; this is evident from the featured articles on a wide range of acts such as Chris Brown and Drake, this shows that the audience are interested in these acts so they'd like to read articles and many information about them. There is a puff that says "suicidal thoughts" and this foreshadows that some of the artists may have suicidal thoughts, which makes the audience want to read inside. Frequent readers will be attracted to this feature because they'd like to know who of their favourite stared are looking and feeling quite suicidal.

From the front cover, the magazine evidently features a wide range of artists as quite a few well-known recognisable artists are mentioned like Chris Brown and Drake. It targets males ages 16-24, but of course women read it too. This magazine features are more in-depth, and artists are more flexible, but also urban so people such as Billy Ray Cyrus wouldn't be featured, so the readership is older. "Vibe” sounds like a shorten word of vibrant which means bouncy a bright, but it has been shortened evidently being more catchy and easy to remember. The colour yellow connotes happiness and excitement, which shows that the music and content will be very much exciting. It is also a colour of warning, could be foreshadowing that important information is going to be in the magazine.

The central image is a mid-shot of Chris Brown, so we can she see his facial expression and body language, we see that he has a direct mode of address which implies that the magazine wants the audience to feel as though they have a deep connection, and can relate to Chris, and seeing as the magazine is aimed at males and females; Chris Brown has a muscular appearance which will attract the females, whilst it will inspire the male section He has recently been under attack by the media after a violent attack on his former girlfriend Rihanna, so this may be his recovery.. The anchorage text "Blame it on the manager" refers to a song by R&B artist Jamie Foxx that is named “blame it on the alcohol” and it is a clever pun; because Chris Brown is trying to salvage his reputation.

There is a mysterious theme, because the colour schemes are bold colours; black and yellow, which also refers to a song by Wiz Khalifa “black and yellow”, a song Vibe reader will be familiar with because the song represents these colour schemes. This colour scheme yellow is the colour of light, and this gives an impression of a bright future. The use of shadow highlights his innocent side yet shows his evil side also. The photo was taken in a studio, and the image of hands open is almost as if he is surrendering himself, his hands are out almost as if he is praying or seeking forgiveness. The background is dark and quite monotone and this immediately draws the attention to his facial expression. This front cover represents males in an uncommon manner; it shows that men can also be vulnerable at times.

The fonts used are easy to read and you can read it quickly to see what's going to be featured in the magazine without struggling to read it slowly. The acts featured in the magazine are shown in a list, which help the audience scan through and recognise any artists they are interested in.

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