Sunday 23 January 2011

Photoshop Skills

Firstly I opened my document and made sure it was the correct size I needed it to be.
Next I inserted my images so that they were just how I wanted them to be then I merged the images into one layer
Next I entered text that related to the images, because the main effect I wanted to create was with the text, and I had to make sure the text was over all the layers.
After that was done I had to enter a new layer that was blank inbetween the text layer and the image layer, and fill it in with white.
Next I created a duplicate of my image layer and put it above all of my layers.
I pressed right-click on my top layer and made it a clipping mask, so that my text was had the image within it.
I merged my top two layers and then added a drop shadow with the everything set as it is in the image above.
My image in text was then complete, the reason I use this skill is to enforce meaning behind the text to make the audience look at things from my perspective.

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